Summary of Opportunity

Perpetual Income 365 is a 94.8% done for you software & success system

...that was developed and engineered by a crack team of marketing experts and computer scientists.

It’s guided by the same principles Amazon, Spotify, Netflix, (and more) have been using for decades to get tens of millions of people hooked on recurring monthly memberships.

And it’s all built under a secret addiction profit formula called MCCA.

This blend of cognitive science, human behavior, and compound interest can create rapidfire sales and profits for you from scratch and it works like this:

Micro-Commitment is the ‘MC’ in MCCA.

It’s the secret sauce to generating a flood of sales and it’s one of the top tactics of all the big boys, which has created billions in annual sales for them.

See, most people are afraid of any real commitment and as a rule it’s fairly difficult to get those people to take action.

In fact, when most people visit a website their guard is on full alert:

“Why do they need my email address?”, they wonder.

“Is my information safe here?”, they ask themselves.

“Is this a scam?”, they continue.

And so it goes - on and on - with a majority of people bailing on a site before they even give it a real chance.

Yet, by putting something of value out there with a tiny up front fee, the walls start coming down.

And when that fee is clearly WAY less than the value of what is being offered, you can trigger something from the visitors called a Micro Commitment.

Without getting too sciency here, a micro commitment is like getting your visitor or prospect to take a small step instead of a big one.

And then once they have taken that one small step with you, they’re significantly more likely to take another step with you.


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